Come Over To The Dark Side
Often, prospective homebuyers who enter the real estate office here in the heart of the Village do so out of a sense of awe for the surrounding natural beauty and a curiosity about our unique community nestled at the base of the red cliffs. Quite simply, they have a lot of questions, and they want to know more. They’re always impressed by our commitment to moderate land usage, moderate growth, and our deep respect for local flora and fauna. Increasingly, we’ve found that Kayenta’s leadership in protecting the night skies above is differentiating us from other options that homebuyers may be considering.
During October, the Ivins Night Sky Initiative made a compelling presentation for Kayenta residents at the Center for the Arts. Marc Dershowitz used the perfect balance of scientific facts, personal experience, and humor to inform and educate attendees about the importance of protecting the night skies and not “being afraid of the dark”.
For example, disruption of humans’ natural circadian rhythms due to light pollution has been linked in some studies to sleep disorders; cardiovascular disease; cancer progression; and more. Similar negative impacts have been noted with respect to plant and animal life (e.g., altered behaviors; reproduction; endangerment and/or extinction).
From an economic point of view, communities which are blessed with dark skies at night, such as Kayenta, are incorporating dark sky ordinances into their home designs, leading to enhanced community attractiveness. Sedona, for example, has adopted the tag line “private sunbathing during the day…incredible red rock views and dark sky telescope observations at night.”
The biggest objection to dark sky initiatives can be a perceived sacrifice of safety and security for homeowners and pedestrians. However, it is important to note that the goal of night sky initiatives is not to eliminate nighttime light but to use it more intelligently. In fact, Kayenta has been held up as a role model worth emulating by the rest of Ivins and beyond. A quick review of our community lighting guidelines makes it clear as to why.
Kayenta Interior Lighting
- Indoor point sources of light must be shielded from view from outside of the home. Point sources are defined as table lamps, floor free standing lights, ceiling
- suspended lights, monitors and TVs.
- Window shades shall be used to shield light from radiating outside of the home.
- Dimmer switches are recommended to subdue lighting
Kayenta Exterior Lighting
- Bulbs should be < or = 2,700K
- Exterior sconces, pedestrian pathways and driveway lights must be directed downward
- Pedestrian pathway lighting limited to 120-150 lumens/fixture
- Recessed overhead lighting limited to 1100 lumens
- Street address spot light shall be limited to one at 200 lumens
- Outdoor lighting is discouraged from 11pm to sunrise
Learn more about this topic by visiting www.ivinsnightsky.org. In short, not only will protecting our night sky enable us to enjoy the majesty of countless stars, constellations, and planets, it likely will increasingly have a positive impact on human, plant and animal health and positively influence our home values. So, come over to the dark side, and enjoy the benefits!