Would you be surprised to learn that the average price of a home sold in Kayenta last year was more than $1.4 million, or that one home recently sold for more than $700 per square foot? Perhaps you’re not aware that we currently have one lot listed for sale for $1.3 million and sold one last year for that same amount? To learn more about the current health of the Kayenta real estate market, click through the attached slide deck for more information. And should you wish to receive a complimentary market analysis on the specific value of your home, please contact Jeff, Steve, or Naomi at Kayenta Homes & Properties (435-628-7234) to arrange!
Jeff Sproul, Principal Broker
Steve McAllister & Naomi Doyle, Sales Agents
“By mining traditional Navajo ‘spinning songs’ of love, healing, and courtship, and marrying them to jazz and funk lines, Anderson and his trio have taken a place at the forefront of a vibrant Native American jazz scene.” – The New York Times
Delbert Anderson creates Diné inspired musical pathways, preserving his cultural music by creating a foundation of new Diné melodies and fuses them through jazz, jam and funk. Each path serves Indigenous culture through stories, healing, history and collaboration.
Anderson had been featured on The New York Times, JazzTimes, Grammy.com, NASA, NPR Music Top 10, Smithsonian Magazine, Yahoo/Mic.com, TEDx, PBS, FNX Television and much more.
“Gut-wrenching performances.” — New York Times
Arms Around America is a community-based theater project investigating how Americans experience fear, power, identity, loss, and love through our relationships with guns. The show is staged as a live radio-theater broadcast. Four actors voice dozens of characters in a constellation of six short plays based on real families whose lives have been shaped by guns. They are accompanied by a sound effects artist (Dan Froot) and Julio Montero’s driving score.
The plays focus not on guns themselves, or even their political dimensions, but on our relationships with guns and with each other. Members of our local community will host the evening from their seats at an on-stage kitchen table. After the performance, the kitchen table participants will discuss the relevance of the plays to themselves and our communities.
This year’s Voyager Lecture Series follows “The History of This Land,” from the deep time studied in geology, through modern concerns related to our changing environment.
During our March lecture, learn about the Southern Paiute Homelands, and specifically about the language, history, and traditions of the Shivwits Band. Karma Grayman is a Shivwits Band educator and culture keeper who teaches weekly Paiute language classes and has contributed to many Shivwits dialect dictionaries, vocabulary card sets, and coloring books for youth, in order to share language and traditions with new generations.
The Shivwits Band of Paiutes is one of several Southern Paiute groups that have lived since time immemorial in the area making up what is now southern Utah, northern Arizona, southern Nevada, and southeastern California. Based on 28,000 acres of Reservation land near Ivins, Utah, the Shivwits Band was first recognized by the government in 1891 and then again in 1941. After being terminated in 1954 along with other Paiute bands, the Shivwits Band’s sovereign status was restored by Congress in 1980.
Donna McMullin, Gourd with Dragonflies
Joe Viers, Faux Teapot
The exhibit will run from March 20 to April 30,
with the opening reception in conjunction with CFAK’s First Friday, April 4th (5:30 – 7:30 PM).
Please see this link for more information and entry forms:
Group Exhibitions
The Desert Spirit Art Committee organizes three juried visual art exhibitions each season at the Center for the Arts at Kayenta. The Committee encourages and invites both established and emerging regional artists to submit original art for consideration.
Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of chalk art at the 15th annual Kayenta Street Painting Festival presented by Kayenta Arts Foundation. This year’s theme, “Red Rock Reflections,” celebrates the breathtaking beauty of our region’s red rock landscapes while incorporating an appreciation for nature and the conservation of our natural resources.
The festival brings students and professional artists together as they create magnificent murals on asphalt canvases. Join us over the weekend to take in the views (on the sidewalk and beyond), vote for your favorite artwork, wander the Art Village galleries, and enjoy food trucks, live music, and loads of family fun.
This Festival is generously sponsored by Carpets Plus, Gaia’s Garden Cafe, Red Rock Vacation Rentals, St George City Lifestyle, The Sole Sanctuary, and Zia Pottery
Each color stop during the race will feature powdered paint stations to allow each participant to end the race as a colorful masterpiece! The fun doesn’t stop at the finish line. Enjoy a breakfast snack and beverage (orange juice, water, or coffee) at the finish line while you stroll through the fantastic art of the Kayenta Street Painting Festival.
January 23rd – March 1st: $35
March 1st – April 3rd: $45
April 3rd – April 5th: $55
Kids Price: $15 ($25 April 3rd-5th)
FREE • Live Music in the Courtyard!
Desert Spirit Art Committee Presents: In Living Color
Center for the Arts at Kayenta Lobby
Come be a part of our growing art community for First Friday, view art, meet fantastic teachers, and learn what MakeSpace has to offer for art classes.
Doors open at 5:30 pm
Welcome – 6:15 pm
Dinner Served – 6:30 pm
A Magical Performance – 7:00 pm
First Paddle Raise – 7:30 pm
Blossoming Ballroom Dance – 8:00 pm
Second Paddle Raise – 8:20 pm
Auction Ginny Northcott Painting – 8:40 pm
Music and Dancing – until 10:00 pm
Single ticket – $150
Member Table (Six Seats) – $1,00
Sponsor Table (Six Seats) – $1,500
For more information and tickets please visit:
Janell Bassett, Editor
Dr. Ginamarie Foglia will be offering a free lecture titled “Staying Healthy – Let’s Talk About What You Need To Know,” as part of the Institute for Continued Learning’s Mini-Med School program designed for 50+ adults on Wednesday, March 5 at 6:00 pm at Utah Tech, Browning Learning Center, Dunford Auditorium. CLICK HERE for a campus map. The Browning building is toward the North end of campus and is labeled “Brown” on the map. You can park in the blue parking lots labeled C, D, and E on the map (on 100 South).
Gina and Willie
In a life of service, resilience has been both a guiding force and a teaching tool for Ginamarie Foglia. A doctor known internationally for her expertise in infectious diseases, a U.S. Army Medical Corps veteran, an adjunct professor at Rocky Vista University College of Medicine, a certified personal trainer, and an adventure guide and wellness consultant at Red Mountain Resort, she simply takes life by the horns and moves forward.
Her interest in medicine began with her father’s open-heart surgery at age 50. “Experiencing how the medical field healed him through education, skills and applied altruism made me think of medicine as the noblest profession and I wanted to be a part of it,” she says. “I chose Infectious Diseases for my specialty as my uncle was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS at a time when no treatment was available except for supportive care. I wanted to change that.”
Her expertise took her overseas to Kenya and Madagascar, among other medical mission locales. Her four years in Kenya “was the experience of a lifetime where I grew the most as a person,” she reports. An unexpected bonus was that one of her Kenyan staff named her daughter Victory Foglia, which Gina calls “one of the greatest honors I have had in my life, as I do not have children of my own.”
Also in Kenya, she became friends with a woman from northern Utah who recommended that she experience the high desert. Various bus tours and other trips to the area eventually led her and husband, Ralph, to Kayenta, where she arranged a part-time position at Rocky Vista. Originally from New Jersey, coming to Kayenta, “I knew this was the place for me,” she says, “the people, the environment, the wellness spirit.” They bought property, built a house, and moved in in Oct. 2022.
Here, she found plenty of opportunities to enjoy how nature and movement rejuvenate the body and spirit, leading to her work at Red Mountain Resort, and a continuation of her athletic pursuits and fundraising efforts, including a 58-mile Fall Tour de St George raising funds for the Intermountain Medical Center. A huge lover of animals, she also fundraises yearly for PAWS (Providing Animals with Support), which brought her Corgi, Willie, into her life; he goes everywhere with her and brings her much joy. She also takes Willie, a trained service dog, to the Southern Utah Veterans Home (focusing on their Memory Care Unit) as a way to honor “my mother who died just a year ago after dealing with dementia and also the other Veterans, as my father was a US Army Veteran, too.”
Her mother’s death prompted Gina to explore her creative side, taking classes at MakeSpace. The new year finds her addressing yet another path, following an amical split with Ralph, who is moving back to the east coast. Asked to define resilience, Gina has a ready answer: Advancing positively despite our challenges, real or perceived. Clearly, it’s a path she pursues in her own life.
Editors note. If you know someone that you think should be featured in our monthly Kayenta Connection under our NEW “Resident Spotlight” section please email the Kayenta Connection at kayentaconnection@rdicreative.com. Our intent is to focus on the incredible people living in our community– be they seasoned residents or new recruits.
Mike Scott, Council Member
Down the Drain or Back Again? The Future of Wastewater
Peter Annin, author of Purified and a leading expert on water recycling, gave a presentation organized by Conserve Southwest Utah on February 13th on how communities across the country are rethinking wastewater, and how Washington County could, too.
Annin highlighted case studies from places that have successfully turned wastewater into a reliable water source, including cities that have embraced direct and indirect potable reuse. He explained that while these approaches are gaining traction nationwide, every region faces unique challenges due to differences in geology, geography, public perception, and regulatory hurdles.
I’m going to skip most of the article on my website (at https://www.mikescott4ivins.com/?p=3426) about his presentation and go straight to the conclusion. Bottom line: There’s no time to waste.
Annin’s message wasn’t just clear – it was urgent. As our population grows and water supplies tighten, we can’t afford to ignore any potential solution. In fact, he was more direct than that: when you break down the Washington County Water Conservancy District’s 20-year supply and demand projections, we’re already skating on thin ice. And that’s with the assumption that we’ll start using our wastewater soon. The question isn’t whether we should – it’s whether we can afford not to.
Some communities have already taken bold steps to purify and reuse their wastewater. Will Washington County follow suit? Do we have the stomach for it – or is the idea still too hard to swallow?
Parched Today, Prepared Tomorrow: The Need for Drought Planning
As we experience one of the driest water years in at least 42 years, the need for a clear, effective drought contingency plan for Washington County and its cities has never been more urgent. For over three years, the Washington County Water Conservancy District (WCWCD) has been working on a plan, but getting eight cities to agree on all the details is difficult and time-consuming.
WCWCD has developed a drought model, prepared a draft drought contingency plan, and surveyed stakeholders to assess potential action steps. Yet, we still don’t have a finalized plan.
Ivins Has a Drought Plan… But We Can’t Use It. We adopted a drought contingency plan in 2004. It was designed to impose water-use restrictions whenever St. George declared a drought, and additional restrictions as the drought stage intensified. However, St. George stopped making those declarations years ago, rendering our plan ineffective.
Scott Taylor, St. George’s Water Services Director, explained that their plan, adopted in 2001, worked when St. George controlled 100% of its culinary water supply. Their system compared available supply with daily demand, triggering different drought stages based on how close usage came to capacity.
But things have changed. Cities across the county now rely on WCWCD’s interconnected regional water supply, making St. George’s drought model unworkable. As a result, Taylor emphasizes that a countywide drought contingency plan is critical.
This is a critical issue, and I went into more detail in my article at https://www.mikescott4ivins.com/?p=3316 – especially about how to make your voice count and why that is so important right now.
Let’s Bring The First ADA-Accessible Swing Set to Unity Park!
Sometimes, it takes a fresh perspective to notice what’s missing. That’s exactly what happened when Ollie Robertson, a member of the Ivins Youth Council, realized our city lacks an ADA-accessible swing set.
Now, the Youth Council is leading the charge to bring accessible playground equipment to Unity Park – so kids of all abilities can play together. They need to raise $38,500 to secure a matching grant. Every donation, big or small, helps show community support and makes this project possible.
Please pledge your support today: https://ivinsyouthcouncil.com/?p=581
or email me at mscott@ivinsutah.gov to tell me your pledge amount.
Once we know we have enough funding, we’ll notify donors to send in their contributions. Or donate now by mailing a check to: Ivins City, 85 N Main Street, Ivins UT 84738 (write “ADA Swing Set” in the memo.)
This swing set will include a shade structure, a rubberized ground surface to ensure safe, year-round use, five swings for a variety of users – toddlers, children with mobility challenges, and even a generational swing for kids and caregivers to enjoy together.
Let’s make Unity Park a place where everyone can play. Thank you for your support!
Clarifying My Intent: Yes, I’m Running for Re-Election
Last month I wrote an article titled “Why Not Run for City Council?” (see https://www.mikescott4ivins.com/?p=3176) to encourage civic participation in our upcoming election. I didn’t mention my own plans because I wanted the focus to be on getting more people involved and not focused on me. But, as it turns out, my omission led some to assume I wouldn’t be running again.
So, to set the record straight: I am running for re-election to the Ivins City Council this year.
I wrote the article because I believe our community benefits when voters have real choices. Competitive elections bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and renewed energy into public service, leading to better discussions and stronger decision-making for our city. That’s why I encouraged others to run, not because I am stepping down, but because I believe Ivins’ deserves thoughtful debates and engaged candidates who want to help shape our city’s future.
As the election season approaches, I look forward to continuing the conversations about how we can keep Ivins special. Thank you to everyone who reached out with questions. I appreciate your engagement and interest in our city’s future.
Emergency Preparedness Seminars
The idea of providing preparedness presentations for Ivins residents was developed through collaborative efforts between the Mayor, public safety leadership and community volunteers. This group forms the Ivins City Volunteer Emergency Preparedness Committee (ICEPC), which meets monthly to facilitate the seminars, as well as other preparedness efforts and activities within the City.
The committee develops ideas for the seminars, then identifies those with expertise in the subject matter to be presenters. The first level of preparedness is the responsibility of our residents and begins in the home. The seminars are structured to help support our residents in personal and family preparedness.
The seminars are free and no reservation is necessary. Seminars will be at the Ivins City Hall, 85 N Main Street, from 7 pm to 8 pm.
Here is the seminar schedule through this Summer:
If you have an idea for a seminar or would like to get involved in the Ivins City Volunteer Emergency Preparedness Committee, please contact David Williams at IvinsUtahCERT@gmail.com
More City Information
I try to keep these articles relatively concise. Not doing too well at that. It’s frustrating because there’s so much to discuss. So, please email me at Mike@MikeScott4Ivins.com for more information about these and other Ivins issues. Also, please tell me what issues in Ivins matter to you. Visit my website at www.MikeScott4Ivins.com for regular updates and now you can also add your comments to my articles.
See highlights of our classes below or visit our website for more information or to enroll.
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Teacher: Carol Bold
In this course you will learn observational drawing skills and improve hand-eye coordination while increasing your confidence and creativity. Carol will cover the basic drawing elements including line, shape, form, space, texture, and color, as well as work towards more complex structures, compositions, and concepts. This class is ideal for beginning drawing students.
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Teacher: Arlene Braithwaite
Join local artist Arlene Braithwaite in the joyful experience of painting outdoors with pastels! Students will paint for two hours in the morning on location, learning techniques for capturing changing light and recording the essence of a place at a particular moment in time. After lunch the class will continue in the studio, where students will finish their on-site painting. All ability levels are welcome. The class will meet at the studio on the morning of the first day.
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Teacher: Joyce Casey
Expand your artistic skills by making micro-mosaic jewelry; perfect for the gifting season! You will be given step-by-step instructions on how to create up to three pendants using charms, glass, stones, wire, and other design elements provided. You will learn how to cut glass and how to make mosaic pendants using a putty technique. These pieces can be used for pendants, key chains, or magnets to make special keepsakes and gifts. All supplies included.
Time: 110 am – 2 pm (Thursday) and 10 am – 12 pm (Friday)
Teacher: Joyce Casey
Join us for a two-day artistic adventure in creating your very own river rock mosaic to adorn your outdoor space! In this hands-on workshop, you will learn the various methods, materials, and safety essentials required to successfully create your own composition in glass. The first day will be spent in the design and creation phase. Joyce will supply a variety of patterns to choose from, or you may bring your own simple design. The second day will be spent grouting and finishing your piece. No experience is necessary, and all supplies included.
Time: 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Instructor: Kathy Johnson
Experiment with encaustics while creating your own original three-dimensional sculpture. Starting with a general form, your unique sculpture will take shape with the help of plaster, encaustic wax, and various embellishments. In the first session, you will create your form. After a week of drying time, the second session will focus on sealing the form and adding finishing touches. Don’t worry if you are not a “sculptor!” You will soon be a Master of Plaster
Time: 10am – 12pm (Friday) & 9am – 12pm (Saturday)
Instructor: Steven Anzardo
This workshop will cover the basics of Plein Air painting, with an emphasis on perceiving and expressing the visual subtleties of our surroundings. We will first meet at the studio to discuss, demo, and practice. On the second day, we will meet on location for 2-3 hours at a nearby scenic area. We will discuss ideas of composition as we settle into our painting position. During this time, we will address lighting dynamics, arrangement of design, and color palette selection. This class is for artists of all levels. Instructor demonstrations will be in oil paint, but all mediums are welcome.
Information & Class Registration
And, while you are there, register your email to receive monthly updates on classes.
**The exact address and driving directions will be emailed 1 week prior to the event.
About Petite Feast Dinner Club: after 35 years as a restaurateur, caterer, chef and Food and Wine best new chef nominee, Victoria Topham is opening her kitchen to share her unique culinary skills and healthy cooking style with guests just like you. PF Dinner Club offers guests the opportunity to socialize with new friends around a shared table while enjoying deliciously upscale meals. Monthly dinners will feature an hors d’oeuvre hour followed by a multi course dinner where mingling with the chef in the kitchen is encouraged. ** Think – mash-up of a restaurant, dinner party and cooking class. And, she always has a few unplanned courses and surprises for her guests! Events are announced monthly through the website and pricing for each event varies. Victoria is happy to accommodate your special celebration requests and dietary preferences whenever possible.
I hope to see you soon.
“I am speechless! Last night was incredible. From the food to the ambiance to the delightful invitation to the generous service and most of all to meet you—I’m devastated we won’t be available to come for the next dinner! But we will keep trying!”– Georgia Anderson
Sweet potatoes are having a moment. Check out any recipe website and you’ll see that they are everywhere. They’re lauded by food lovers for their delicious taste and versatility and glorified by the health & diet conscious for their low-carb supper food status. They make a perfect comforting side dish, but are also satisfying enough to be the main dish star of your dinner. Sweet potatoes can even be baked into delicious desserts or pureed into creamy, decadent soups and sauces. In fact, this inexpensive and nutritious root veg can add a nutty and slight sweet earthiness to almost any recipe where you want to ramp up the nutrition.
Sweet potatoes are similar in appearance to regular baking potatoes however, they are only distantly related. They are not nearly as starchy as their traditional potato cousins which may account for their low glycemic index numbers. Surprisingly their closest botanical relative is the morning glory! Sweet potatoes and baking potatoes are equally suited for baking, roasting and mashing, but sweet potatoes are far more versatile. They are a tapered, tuberous chameleon that can play just as well with sweet or savory ingredients.
My favorite way to prepare them is to cut them in half and roast them on a sheet pan in a very hot oven. After cutting them lengthwise and tossing them in oil, place them cut side down on a foil lined sheet pan and then roast – undisturbed for about 35-40 minutes. That’s when the magic happens. The high heat and undisturbed cooking ensure that the cut side will be deliciously crispy and brown, while the interior remains moist and creamy. Once they’re cooked, scoop out the flesh and lightly mash. You can stop there or pile the mash back into the skin and top with your favorite toppings. For this month’s VDP let’s add a combination of roasted garbanzo beans and a punchy broccoli tahini sauce to counterbalance the potato’s mild flavor. The result is the perfect marriage of sweet, salty, savory, spicy, crispy and creamy.
The recipe may seem a bit fiddly, but the garbanzo beans and the sweet potatoes roast on the same sheet pan and the sauce comes together in a snap while the garbanzos and potatoes are in the oven. Once everything is ready, you just need to assemble and dig in!
If you have not joined the Virtual Dinner Party but would like to dine with us, please prepare this recipe – or any other – and share it with your family, friends and neighbors. It is our group’s firm belief that by preparing something good to eat and sharing it with those we love, we are participating in one of life’s greatest joys. The connection, community and good will that come from it fill us with joy, hope and gratitude. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
Thanks for coming to the party and Cook On!
– Victoria
2 medium-sized sweet potatoes, scrubbed and cut in half lengthwise
1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
4 t ground cumin, divided
1 t smoked paprika
1 t curry powder
6 T olive oil, divided
2 C broccoli florets, blanched and well-drained
1 clove garlic
½ lemon, juiced
¼ C tahini
Salt and pepper to taste
Garnish with chopped cilantro and red onion if you like
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a sheet pan with foil and set aside.
In a mixing bowl, combine the garbanzo beans with the smoked paprika, curry, 2 t cumin, and 2 T of the olive oil. Toss to combine and place on one side of the sheet pan. Pour 1 T of the remaining oil on the opposite side of the pan and place the sweet potatoes (cut side down) on top of the oil. Spread around to coat evenly and liberally season with S&P. Bake for 40 minutes or until sweet potatoes are tender and garbanzo beans are nicely browned and crispy. *Shake pan to toss garbanzo beans periodically through cooking to prevent burning.
While potatoes are cooking, prepare broccoli tahini sauce. Combine blanched broccoli, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, 2 t cumin and remain olive oil in a food processor. Pulse until smooth but still with a bit of texture. Taste for salt and pepper and set aside.
When potatoes are cooked through carefully remove the flesh and mash lightly with salt and pepper. Scoop the prepared mash back into the reserved shell and top with roasted garbanzo beans and a generous dollop of the broccoli sauce. Garnish with cilantro and diced red onion if desired. Enjoy
Serves 2 as an entrée and 4 as a side dish
The evening’s tellers included UNLV’s Oksana Marafioti, who told of ordering a late-night meal with her sister at a McDonald’s drive through window. She touchingly described how the laughter she and her sister shared that night reminds her to be positive and look on the bright side. Laurie Engle recalled a summer of time spent hanging-out with her teenage idol, Roger Daltry while Keith Buswell shared his unusual goal of getting a haircut in every county in Montana – he did it! Kayenta resident, Doug Mavor, reminisced about making an unexpected and welcome connection with his grandfather during a family dinner.
Gene Greenberg, author of No Matter How Far told a particularly tender tale. He described his mild crankiness about being asked to choose what his yet-to-be-born first grandchild would call him. He was having a bit of trouble embracing the concept of being called ‘grandpa’. The grumpy attitude he cultivated for the nine months of his daughter’s pregnancy instantly melted away when he held his newborn grandson.
The evening was Coyote Tales’ fourteenth sold-out storytelling event at CFAK but for many in the audience, this was their first live storytelling experience. The newcomers happily joined an ever more enthusiastic audience in welcoming the collection of brave but willing tellers to the microphone. Many first-timers said after hearing their neighbor’s stories they feel like they know them a little bit better.
Coyote Tales events are intended to be about the shared connection between the teller and the audience. It is our belief that by sharing our stories and listening to our neighbors we help foster better understanding, respect, and compassion for other viewpoints. By sharing our stories, we build a bridge to connect with our surroundings, the environment, and this beautifully diverse community we live in in very real and meaningful ways.
We thank you for listening. Everyone has a story – Victoria
For more information on Coyote Tales or to see future dates and themes for upcoming events, please check out our website.
Coyote Tales events are funded by Petite Feast, Utah Humanities, Kayenta Homes and Properties and Black Desert Resorts.
We are grateful for the in-kind support of SBDance & Desert Dweller Realty.
Special thanks to Alan Holben for his beautiful photography.
All proceeds from live Coyote Tales events have benefited local non-profits or have been FREE.
Class size is limited and subject to change.
Elevate Studio • 435-632-1381
Be happy. Be healthy. Have a blast!
Pre-registration is required.
Contact John before attending your first class.
“We need to balance the yang of effort with the yin of calm acceptance of what is.” Paul Grilley
2025 Class Schedule
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 – 10:45: Vigorous Vinyasa Flow
Wednesday 9:30 – 10:45: Meditative Yin/Deep Stretch
Wednesday 11:00 – 12:00: Chair Yoga
Preregistration is required. Please call/text/email for more information
Karen Kushner (E-RYT 500)
Classes are $15 • Punch cards are available for $75 (5 classes)
No sign-up is required!
Hi, I’m Javier Guzman a licensed massage therapist who resides in the beautiful community of Kayenta. My handcrafted massages are designed for you whether you want relaxation, deep therapeutic, stress reducing, pain relieving, or just to improve overall health & well-being. Don’t delay your journey to a healthier you!
“I think he is a neighborhood treasure. He has a very nice casita where he works. I love his massage and he is a really nice, thoughtful, considerate, good guy.” ~ Christy Lueders
Call or text for an appointment:
Javier Guzman
If you have an interest in joining or have played very little to even not at all and would like to try it prior to paying dues, contact Denton Zubke by email at dbzubke@gmail.com or by phone or text at 701-570-4043. It’s a great way to meet other Kayenta residents and enjoy some fun and get some great exercise.
We’re planning on more organized events such as clinics, beginner classes, and round robins in 2023. Join us in learning to play. It’s fun the first day, infectious, and great for fitness. Please email Denton Zubke or Erin at the Kayenta office for more information.
Email DentonThe Desert Rose Labyrinth & Sculpture Garden is a community resource with the intention that all who walk the labyrinth will be blessed with peace, comfort, and open hearts. The Labyrinth is maintained and funded by Kayenta volunteers. Please be respectful and leave only footprints. For more information or to make group reservations, please contact:
Cheryl Collins
Email Cheryl
Beth Hopwood
Email Beth
Desert Rose Labyrinth
792 Kayenta Pkwy, Ivins UT
We will be going to the Ghost Town of Saint Thomas that was once covered by Lake Mead.
Located South of Overton Nevada. Meet at the Kayenta Design Center at 9 am, Tuesday, March 18.
Please Bring a lunch. Half to all-day trip. Four miles of dirt road.
Any questions call Charlie at 435-656-1956
Reducing fire risk from Tamarisk close to homes
As residents of Kayenta we enjoy the very special and unique qualities of this place—beauty, quiet, the natural world, peace. Preserving these qualities, however, requires vigilance and commitment in support of what we value. Thus, we invite you to become a volunteer with the Desert Preservation Initiative (DPI), whose purpose is to preserve and maintain the natural beauty of our desert environment.
DPI offers a variety of opportunities to make a difference, whether you enjoy working outdoors or organizing and planning and simply working at your desk. We invite you to consider volunteering in one or more of our Working Groups where you might find new connections and friends while you learn about the natural ecology of our desert community.
Ask yourself: What do I care about or value? What am I good at? What do I enjoy doing?
If you’re good at initiating projects, you might enjoy a role within our Project Management group:
If you love working outdoors or perhaps have a mechanical bent, consider joining our Field Operations group:
If you’re a detail person who also loves the natural landscape, you would make a great addition to our Monitoring group:
If you enjoy building community as you build support for causes you believe in, you might be a good fit for our Outreach group:
If you enjoy pursuing funding for projects, you’d make a great contribution to the Fundraising group:
Or, if you’re good with numbers, you would be a natural for our Finance group:
You can make a difference, and, in case we forgot to mention it, you’ll have a lot of fun, too!
For information, contact us at preservethedesert@gmail.com
Working with friends to improve the community
Sharing the DPI mission and Tamarisk products at the Art Festival
Planning meeting with developer Terry Marten, (right)
Cleaning up the Labyrinth
Community in action was the driving force behind the Ivins Inspired volunteer appreciation event held at Ivins City Hall in February. Led by Ivins Inspired founder Tiffany Wynn, the meeting attracted a roomful of residents to celebrate the value of community in building on Ivins as a safe, beautiful and caring community.
Representatives of nine local non-profits and city departments that depend on volunteers spoke about opportunities to contribute. They included:
As several speakers reminded those in attendance, these kinds of volunteer opportunities offer variable hours and flexible commitments. The work can be rewarding and fun, offering you a chance to connect with neighbors and do what you want, when you can, even if your time only allows an hour a month. Sit with kids in a classroom, help develop a plan to showcase local art, save animals or do more to reduce fire risk in our communities—the choice is yours.
As Ivins Inspired founder Tiffany Wynn says, “By focusing on shared values and common goals, such as celebrating Ivins’ unique spirit, promoting wellness, and respecting our environment, we believe we can build a stronger, more united community.”
For more information about Ivins Inspired see https://ivinsutah.gov/volunteer-program/ to fill out the form indicating your interests and availability or email Ivinsinspired@gmail.com with your questions.
*The Ivins Inspired Volunteer Program is entirely a volunteer program not owned or operated by the Ivins City in any manner.
To learn more about our projects and mission please visit our website.
Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Utah
835 South Bluff Street, St. George, UT. 84770
Ivins No-Kill Animal Supporters (INKAS) is a 501(c)3 organization and a Registered Utah Charity. It was founded in 2010 with the mission of providing support to Ivins Animal Shelter and Adoption Center, now the Santa Clara-Ivins Animal Shelter. In 2006 our shelter became the first no-kill municipal shelter in the state of Utah. Maintaining a no-kill shelter, as opposed to one that euthanizes animals after a set period of time, is more costly because the animal’s needs must be met at the shelter until they are reclaimed by their owners, adopted, or transferred to an animal rescue organization. Through a memorandum of understanding with Ivins City, INKAS provides support through veterinary care, specialty foods, and other needed supplies. Funds are raised through the sale of merchandise at various local events and through the donations of many generous animal lovers. You can help by designating INKAS as your charity on Amazon Smile or by donating on our website.
Bailee Mabe, Shelter Manager
474 North 200 West, Ivins
Hours by appointment:
Monday – Saturday, 8am – 3 pm
Ivins Night Sky launched on January 8th, 2019. We are a 100% volunteer, not-for-profit, citizen organization. We registered as a Utah nonprofit corporation in February 2019 and received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS in March.
Our mission is to improve, preserve, and protect the night sky over Ivins and our heritage of dark skies through environmentally responsible outdoor lighting, and to serve as a resource for City officials, residents, and businesses.
Let us know if this Initiative is important to you, if you are willing to get involved, and what else you think we should be doing to improve, preserve, and protect the night skies in Ivins.
Email Ivins Night SkyWe’d like to invite all Kayenta residents to join us in supporting Snow Canyon State Park. Our mission is to provide support to Snow Canyon State Park through various means. For more information and to join Friends please visit our website.
Nextdoor is a completely private online website environment for all of the Kayenta Nextdoor neighborhoods. Special thanks to Ray Borg for being our fearless leader.
Located in the desert community of Kayenta Utah, the Crescent Moon Inn is the perfect place to get away from it all. The Inn is just a short walk or bike ride from the Kayenta Art Village, where locally-owned art galleries, the Sacred Space Day Spa and the Xetava Garden Cafe add to your unique experience.
For Reservations or Pricing call:
Looking for a Hair Artist right here in Kayenta?….JENN Hair Artist embodies the artistic creativity and passion of the beauty industry. She thrives in creating natural, sexy cuts and color styles for men and women. She looks forward to pampering you.
924A Art Village Way, Ivins, UT 83455
801 637-0884 (call or text)
Good Medicine Intuitive Skin Care
Good Medicine Beauty Lab is a small women-owned company, that creates high-quality face and skincare products. The products are all hand-crafted in our Kayenta lab, from ethically sourced ingredients and wild desert botanicals.
• Unique face and body care products.
• Safe, natural, and locally sourced wild botanical ingredients
Stop by and test all our products, we will be open every day from 9-5!
Kayenta Art Village: 873 Coyote Gulch Ct. Suite C, walk towards the Center for the Arts & look for the bright purple door.
Is your Home dated, and in desperate need of a complete makeover? I can completely update the look and feel of your home without costly remodeling. I can help with affordable solutions that will transform your space. You will have a home that is organized, more current, and looks beautiful.
Are you building a New Home and need the finishing Touches? I can help with all the decorative touches, from home furnishings to tile, paint & more!
Happy Up Your Home with Home Stylist Nancy Weezy Forman, Kayenta Resident
Desert Dermatology and Surgery
We are committed to offering you superior dermatological care in a safe, comfortable, and modern environment. Our highly skilled team of Board-Certified providers specialize in Dermatology, Mohs Surgery, and Dermatopathology, ensuring you receive expert care tailored to your unique needs.
Kayenta resident Dr. Christian Anderson DO, PharmD, FAOCD-CAQ Mohs, FASMS, FAAD has been dedicated to healthcare since 1985. He looks forward to making a lasting impact on the health and well-being of his community while navigating today’s complex healthcare landscape with a patient-centered approach.
Desert Dermatology and Surgery
(directly across the street from Rocky Vista University)
272 E Center St Suite 102
Ivins UT 84738
435-288-1311 work • 435-274-2958 fax
The Kayenta Desert Arboretum is getting a new and beautiful look this spring. Over the last couple of months our faithful volunteers have been turning the arboretum in to an impressive Kayenta attraction including a variety of new desert plants, many new sculptures and upgraded landscaping. On your next visit to Xetava or the Center For the Arts be sure to take an extra few minutes to stroll through the pathways in the arboretum.
SPECIAL NOTICE! The annual plant sale, which is the Arboretum’s primary revenue source, happens on April 18-20. Looking to add an addition to your landscaping? Be sure to take advantage of the unique plants that will be offered for sale. And rest assured that every dollar you spend will be applied to the growth of the arboretum.
Your community arboretum was created, managed and improved by residents in Kayenta who consider it to be another special feature of the area we live in. If you want to see it grow we would love to welcome you in to our all volunteer organization. Just email or call Roger Head, rbhkayenta@gmail.com; 435-632-1814 for additional information.
If you love plants and gardening….
A phenomenal new resource is now available to guide you in creating your Kayenta landscaping, available on the Kayenta HOA website.
The Kayenta ACC Landscaping Committee has just released a new guide to plants currently suggested for use, listing plant characteristics such as typical height and width, growth rate and—perhaps most useful—whether the species is available at local nurseries.
There are links attached to each of the plant IDs and names which lead to images of the plants and in-depth information available online.
In addition, the guide specifies in what areas plants can be used, such as the natural area, the transitional area or in a courtyard. A “Notes” section includes other advice and things to know about a given plant.
This user-friendly Guide to Kayenta Plants is located in the ACC’s Landscaping Documents.
The Kayenta ACC meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month, 1:00 pm in the Theater for the Arts. A hard copy of the agenda is posted in the Kayenta Homes & Properties office the Thursday before the meeting.
Questions? Ellen Nathan
Phone: 435-652-8333
Email EllenShonto Point HOA Meetings
The Shonto HOA Board meets regularly during the year avoiding some summer months. All meetings are from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month in the Theatre for the Arts, located in the Kayenta Art Village.
Taviawk HOA Board Meetings
The Board plans to meet on the Thursday after the ACC meeting (which is the 3rd Tuesday of each month) bi-monthly at 9:30 am at The Management Group (formerly, F1 Property Management)
The Kayenta Concept
The Kayenta Concept is a philosophy that has steered the development of our exceptional community since its inception. The standards that underlie that concept are enforced by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), which serves both the Shonto Point and Taviawk HOAs. The pre-amble to the 2021 ACC Handbook lays out the basics of the architectural rules that have been followed to create the homes and land-scape we live in.
When your home was designed the Kayenta Concept was front and center. The ACC reviewed your design to evaluate whether it followed the rules, and the ACC monitored construction of your home through landscaping and occupation, again, reviewing adherence to design and construction standards. When you received your occupancy permit and construction deposit refund from the ACC, on-going compliance with the Kayenta Con-cept became the responsibility of your HOA Board of Directors. Your Board has the authority to perpetuate the Kayenta Concept into the future and gladly accepts that role.
The Kayenta Concept is worth reviewing to remind us that what we have here has only happened because of the rules Kayenta developer Terry Marten set up to own, build and live in Kayenta. His vision and the governing documents he developed to achieve and maintain that vision established the Kayenta HOAs and gave them the responsibility and authority to enforce the CC&Rs that underlie the beauty and value we all enjoy
For Appointments with a specific department call:
Administration: 435-628-0606
Building: 435-634-9753
Parks or Cemetery: 435-634-7719
Public Works: 435-634-0689
Dispatch: 435-634-5730 or Animal Control: 435-628-1049
Meetings the 2nd Monday of every month. For more details contact our bookclub
Email submissions / changes to kayentaconnection@rdicreative.com with “Kayenta Connection (month)” in the subject line. Our Kayenta Connection Newsletter updates the 1st of the Month. Please submit 6 days prior to the end of the month to be included.
The Kayenta Connection is a publication that is focused on the Kayenta Community (residents, visitors and other interested folks). Information and articles should appeal to our Kayenta readers and reflect the spirit of our community. The KC cannot be responsible for mistakes submitted by the contributor. We do not accept advertisements for services or events other than those provided by a Kayenta resident who is advertising their business/service to our community. The KC supports promotion of businesses located within the Kayenta Art Village.
The information submitted does not imply sponsorship or reflect the views and opinion of Kayenta Homes & Properties or Kayenta Development. Content not deemed appropriate for our readers will not be published. All information published in the KC is subject to editing.
Sign up for the Kayenta Connection. We will send you monthly reminders when our next issue of the Kayenta Connection is ready to view online. Sign up to stay connected.