Kayenta Connection April 2024

Hell Hole Manor

April 1, 2024

Welcome to Hell Hole Manor

The latest concept for Kayenta
and the ultimate in high-rise desert living

Views from HHM are spectacular and it’s a superb place to be seen by others.  Placed high on the hill at the mouth of Hell Hole Canyon – it is sure to block views- so make your reservation early!  View units are limited.

Only 666 entitled residents will be able to call this ultra-ultra-luxuriously appointed club home.  HHM will be the biggest and very, very best building in all of southern Utah, or Utah for that matter.

Listen to what well known personalities are saying about HHM:
“take my word for it…better than the temple”, Satan

Make your reservation now!  Space and time are limited and very, very exclusive.

Clad in the latest fools-gold technology, Hell Hole Manor is sure to stun folks across the land.  Opulent interiors include: realistic-looking columns that resemble marble,  shitski crystal chandeliers, and 100 percent l’or des fous clad toilets are available for a significant donation.

A perfect place to retire or re-tire (if your tires are getting bald).

Whether you are a politician, porn star, or your everyday oligarch, HHM might be the place for you.

Call or text:  1-800-aprilfools

Center for teh Arts at Kayenta First Fridays

Street Painting Festival:
Colors of the Desert

Saturday & Sunday, April 6-7, 2024

10:00 am-5:00 pm

The Festival is FREE

Kayenta Art Village

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of chalk art at the annual Street Painting Festival presented by the Center for the Arts at Kayenta. The 2024 theme, Colors of the Desert, will showcase the incredible talents of professional street painting artists from the region and students throughout Washington County and surrounding counties. Witness the magic unfold as these artists bring the desert hues to life right before your eyes!

Join us over the weekend to take in the views (on the sidewalk and beyond),
and enjoy food trucks, live music, and family fun.

5 K fun run5K Fun Run

We’re taking “Colors of the Desert” to the next level! Join us on April 6, 2024, for our first-ever Kayenta Color Run 5K!

Participants of all ages and abilities can run-walk-stroll through 3.1 miles of our beautiful Kayenta landscape. Each color stop during the race will feature powdered paint stations to allow each participant to end the race with a colorful masterpiece! The fun doesn’t stop at the finish line, make sure to join us for a fabulous DANCE PARTY after the race!

Registration: $35 (limited availability!) Go to our website for more information.
Each participant will receive a race t-shirt and a swag bag filled with surprises!

"Thistle" by Pat Legan

“Impressions on Paper”


OPENING RECEPTION on Friday, April 5th

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Lobby, Center for the Arts at Kayenta

Join us for Mocktails, Wine, and Refreshments as we celebrate the start of the art season.

The reception is part of First Fridays at the Center for the Arts in Kayenta

“Thistle” by Pat Legan

Center for the Arts at Kayenta

Upcoming Events

Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Music

DOCUTAH presents:

April 5

Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Music

Arrive early for FIRST FRIDAYS!
Enjoy live music, food, and fun in the Kayenta Art Village beginning at 5:30pm.

The Center for the Arts at Kayenta is thrilled to partner with DOCUTAH on a new monthly film series. DOCUTAH seeks to open hearts and minds to the world through beautifully crafted stories on film, promoting education while creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and community.

About the Film: A look at the life and work of the Austrian composer who pioneered the musical scoring of films – hundreds of them – from King Kong, to Gone with the Wind, to Casablanca and beyond.

Heroes of the Fourth Turning

Heroes of the Fourth Turning

April 18 - 27

An Award-Winning Play by Will Arbery

directed by Rachel Park

It’s nearing midnight in Wyoming, where four young conservatives have gathered at a backyard after-party. They’ve returned home to toast their mentor Gina, newly inducted as president of a tiny Catholic college. But as their reunion spirals into spiritual chaos and clashing generational politics, it becomes less a celebration than a vicious fight to be understood. On a chilly night in the middle of America, Will Arbery’s haunting play offers grace and disarming clarity, speaking to the heart of a country at war with itself.

Sunday Night Alright

Sunday Night… All Right!

April 21

with River House Band

Kayenta Art Village Outdoor Theater

Join us for the fun Kayenta tradition of Sunday Night…All Right! at the Kayenta Village Outdoor Theater. Our April 21 date will feature a fan favorite from Art In Kayenta: River House Band! Classic and southern rock with country blues served up hot as Brit or American groove.

You are welcome to bring a snack and/or beverage. Light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for sale. Join your friends as we celebrate the warmer weather with music and dancing.

Jenny Coombs

Voyager Lecture Series

April 30

Presentation by Jennifer N. Coombs, MSF, CSRIC®

Investing in Liquid Assets: Leveraging Sustainability Data to Combat Water Scarcity

In this presentation, we will explore the pivotal role of sustainable investing data in addressing the challenge of water scarcity. As water becomes increasingly scarce due to climate change and population growth, it is imperative for investors and consumers alike to scrutinize the actions of companies regarding water management. We will delve into how sustainable investing can drive positive change in pinpointing adaptation, mitigation, and resilience strategies.

Optional Social Hour With Like-Minded Friends, Light Snacks And Beverages at 6:30pm

For more information and tickets to the amazing events please visit our website.

We look for to seeing you at the Center for the Arts in Kayenta.

Kayenta Community

The local perspective. Our businesses and residents news and events.

Kayenta Real Estate Annual Healthcheck

Curious about the state of the Kayenta real estate market? What’s the most expensive home sold in Kayenta in 2023? What’s the average price per square foot for homes sold in Kayenta last year? For the answer to these and other questions, we invite you to scroll through the accompanying slide presentation. (For an unabridged version or for a complimentary market analysis specific to your home, please call or visit your local real estate experts at Kayenta Homes and Properties).

Kayenta Homes and Properties

Our office is open 7 days a week to help with all your Kayenta real estate needs!

Jeff Sproul, Principal Broker
Steve McAllister & Naomi Doyle, Sales Agents

435-628-7234   www.kayentahomes.com

Laurel Bryant/Alan Risenhoover spotlight couple

Resident Spotlight

Janell Bassett, Editor

Laurel Bryant and Alan Risenhoover

Committed to sustaining our environments, both natural and artistic

Both Laurel and Alan grew up engaged with the natural world. Raised in Colorado, Alan spent much of his childhood camping and fishing with his family from their home state to Alaska. With degrees in zoology and fish and wildlife sciences, he accepted a one-year fellowship in Washington D.C. working on marine fisheries management and habitat conservation.  Always an environmental enthusiast, Laurel lived in the Pacific Northwest during some of the most turbulent environmental debates over endangered species, overfishing, and clear-cut logging. With a B.A. in political science and economics, she turned her interest toward policy and also headed to Washington D.C., where she too became involved in sustaining fisheries.

Laurel worked in Congress on the Merchant Marine & Fisheries Committee, which, given today’s divisive times, she calls one of the last committees to routinely enjoy bipartisan support. Their charge was to sustain and conserve living marine resources and habitat.

Meanwhile, Alan began 30 years of public service with the National Marine Fisheries Service, culminating as the Director of the Agency’s Office of Sustainable Fisheries. They met when Laurel was working as a Congressional Committee staff member responsible for ocean-related issues and Alan was serving as the Agency’s congressional liaison.  Laurel joined the Agency’s endangered species office and went on to serve as head of the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee. She also developed and launched key communications programs and partnerships that continue today including the FishNews weekly national newsletter and FishWatch, a sustainable seafood monitoring platform for U.S. fisheries.

Over a decade later they found themselves working on many of the same fisheries issues … and one floor apart.   A wedding, another decade, and finally retirement plans followed.  On a gal-pal trip to Red Mountain Spa, Laurel found herself “Gob-smacked” by the beauty of Kayenta and thrilled by the conservation approach of the “Kayenta concept.” Alan agreed, enjoying being away from “Congress, the traffic and the humidity” of Washington D.C. and equally engaged with Kayenta’s focus on “living in concert with the desert environment.”

Far from Washington, their commitment to sustaining their environment continues. Alan now serves on the board of the Friends of Snow Canyon and Laurel is the new board chair on the Kayenta Arts Foundation that supports the Center for the Arts at Kayenta. “I was always inspired by those that looked beyond their own narrow interests and acted as true, selfless stewards by supporting what was needed for the resource and not just themselves,” says Alan.  “As an active user of public lands, that is my goal.”

For Laurel, key goals as Chair is strengthening the Center by building a more sustainable and diversified economic model that enjoys a broader base of memberships and funding sources including business partnerships, and establishing the Center as a recognized destination for professional artists providing multi-disciplinary performing arts that serve a more diverse community of interests and perspectives.

To sustain themselves, they hike, bike, read, paint, attend performances at the Center.  They return each year to Washington D.C. to see old friends and visit their son Nathaniel, a chemical engineer working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, who they proudly call “a next generation public servant.”

Laurel at NOAA Fisheries HQ
"Bike Prom" in Kayenta, with Elevate Fitness Center
Alan hiking above Kayenta

Editors note. If you know someone that you think should be featured in our monthly Kayenta Connection under our NEW “Resident Spotlight” section please email the Kayenta Connection at kayentaconnection@rdicreative.com. Our intent is to focus on the incredible people living in our community– be they seasoned residents or new recruits. 

Desert Rose Labryinth

Photo: Alan Holben

Desert Rose Labyrinth

Celebrating Earth Day
and the Desert Rose Labyrinth’s
20th Anniversary on April 22 at 10 am

The Desert Rose Labyrinth, our precious neighborhood resource, is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year!

Monday, April 22, 2024, marks Earth Day, a day to celebrate the beautiful land that we live on. To honor both Earth Day and the Desert Rose Labyrinth,  we invite you to join us at the labyrinth at 10 am. There will be a guided meditation giving thanks to the Earth that supports us and the elements surrounding us. This will be followed by music-making and walking the labyrinth. Join us in creating music by bringing your drum, rattle, or small instrument. Sally O’Neill will lead us on the flute. If this has meaning to you and you love the labyrinth, please come join this celebration! April 22, 2024, 10 am at the Desert Rose Labyrinth, 792 N Kayenta Pkwy.

If you love the earth but can’t join us, we offer you some ways to celebrate her every day: live in balance & harmony with the desert, conserve water, reduce waste, recycle, repurpose, reuse, avoid single use plastic, compost, plant drought tolerant plants & trees that need little water, buy local, reduce emissions, vote to support our planet, eat more plant based whole foods.

Finally, calling all volunteers on Tuesday, April 16th, at 9:30 am for Labyrinth clean up…basically pulling weeds. Please bring weed-digging and/or trimming tools and bucket or garbage bag. Feel free to invite anyone who would like to help. Thanks in advance!

Palmer’s Penstemon

Palmer’s Penstemon

If you love plants and gardening….

A phenomenal new resource is now available to guide you in creating your Kayenta landscaping, available on the Kayenta HOA website.

The Kayenta ACC Landscaping Committee has just released a new guide to plants currently suggested for use, listing plant characteristics such as typical height and width, growth rate and—perhaps most useful—whether the species is available at local nurseries.

There are links attached to each of the plant IDs and names which lead to images of the plants and in-depth information available online.

In addition, the guide specifies in what areas plants can be used, such as the natural area, the transitional area or in a courtyard. A “Notes” section includes other advice and things to know about a given plant.

This user-friendly Guide to Kayenta Plants is located in the ACC’s Landscaping Documents.

Kayenta Deseret Arboretum

The Annual Kayenta Desert Arboretum’s Annual Plant Sale

This year the Foundation is focusing on providing perennial desert cactus and yucca that will accent your landscape for many years as well as demonstrating water-wise solutions.

Where: Kayenta Art Village

When: April 18th • 1-5 pm
& 19th, 20th, 21st • 9 am-5 pm

Why: The plant sale is the Foundation’s primary fundraising activity so drop by, say hello, and make a purchase that will support Kayenta’s Arboretum.

Maintenance and improvements to the Arboretum are funded primarily from the plant sale so please consider visiting us at the Arboretum for your annual plant purchases.

Native and water-wise plants at a low price!
*** Cash and checks accepted – no credit cards ***

Your Kayenta volunteers working to make Kayenta more beautiful!

March 2024 Ivins City Council Update

Mike Scott, Council Member

Your Voice Matters: How’s Life In Ivins?

Ivins is participating in Utah State University’s “Wellbeing Project.” It’s an online wellbeing survey being done through the end of April. It will report on residents’ well-being and attitudes about community issues. The goal is to use these results in our planning and decision-making to support the overall quality of life in Ivins.

Utah wellbing project

The interesting thing about this survey is it does not explicitly define well-being. It allows each of us to explain or interpret what well-being means to them. Using that information, we can really focus on the most important aspects of well-being in Ivins and try to address and promote those.

All full-time and part-time residents 18 and older can participate in this 10-minute survey. Please share this survey link with friends and family in Ivins.

The survey needs to be completed in April. So please do it today. Click this link to access the survey: https://tinyurl.com/Ivins2024

You can learn more at www.usu.edu/utah-wellbeing-project or contact Dr. Courtney Flint at courtney.flint@usu.edu for more information.

Bigfoot & Affordable Housing

Both are elusive creatures that everyone talks about, but few, if any, have seen. Even so, the State Legislature is putting more pressure on cities to find housing affordability solutions. On top of that, the Governor is calling on cities to create 35,000 “starter” homes for first-time home buyers.

In response, Mayor Hart created an Affordable Housing Task Force. The goal is to find solutions that “fit” Ivins, rather than the cookie-cutter approach the State is using.

City Council member Sharon Gillespie chairs the nine-member Task Force. The group includes residents, council members, planning commission members, specialists in architecture and legal issues, and city staff.

They had their first meeting at the end of February and a second meeting last Thursday. They are studying new legislation, the use of land trusts, the feasibility of creating a housing authority to manage deed restrictions, modular housing, and other ideas.

Sharon told me the Task force focuses on “controlling the controllables. We know we can’t control the cost of land, building, and interest rates. But we may be able to positively impact costs using Land Trusts, smaller lot zoning, alternative building methods, and other options.”

The Task Force plans to meet about once a month. Their next step is to figure out realistic solutions that will work in Ivins. That’s not as easy as it sounds. As Sharon pointed out, “We don’t own land, can’t dictate what a developer builds, and don’t control costs. We can help with zoning for smaller lots and need to look at that to see how and where that could fit in Ivins.”

Sharon knows there is community concern over higher density. She was a volunteer in the General Plan Resident Survey. But the State is putting pressure on cities to increase density, weaken development and design requirements, and more. So, she and the Task Force members are looking for solutions that fit our vision for Ivins.

I will keep you posted on what the Task Force is working on. Or find out directly and share your ideas with Sharon. Her email is Sgillespie@IvinsUtah.gov.

Public Safety Talkabout

Join us for a Talkabout on Public Safety that will take place on Wednesday evening April 24th beginning at 7:00 PM at Rocky Vista University. The panel will include Fire Chief Andrew Parker and Police Chief Bob Flowers with members of their staff.

This forum will provide an opportunity to learn where we stand with our current levels of service for Police, Fire, and EMS, and to ask questions. If you are unable to attend, you may participate via Zoom at  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89056016329

Emergency Preparedness Seminar

Another area of Public Safety is Emergency Preparedness. David Williams Chairs this important Committee. He and other dedicated members have initiated a series of Preparedness Seminars that take place on the second Thursday of each month.

The next seminar addresses Fire Prevention and Earthquake Readiness. It will begin at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall on April 11th. Everyone is invited. Like the Talkabouts, the Preparedness Seminars are recorded and will be available on our City website.

Goldilocks And The Reservoir

There was a city council work meeting on March 21st to discuss potential problems a proposed Dry Wash reservoir could create. It wasn’t a public hearing, but more than 80 residents attended. Thank you! Your attendance made a difference.

Even though it wasn’t a public hearing, the Mayor invited a number of residents to speak about their concerns. Ivins resident Wayne Pennington spoke and recommended changes to the size and shape of the reservoir that would help mitigate some of the negative impacts.

He also provided a detailed explanation of the history of the reservoir planning. That was an eye opener. That history shows the current plan is for a larger reservoir than was ever recommended, studied, or discussed.

Listening to Wayne’s history made me think of the story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. One proposal, namely no reservoir, might be too small. One proposal, like the current 1,500-acre-foot proposal, seems too big. Is there one proposal that’s just right? Wayne thinks so. And his report does a good job explaining why.

I posted more information about Wayne’s presentation on my website at https://www.mikescott4ivins.com/?p=2223 along with a link to his 11-page report.

More City Information

I try to keep these articles relatively concise. Not doing too well at that. It’s frustrating because there’s so much to discuss. So, please email me at Mike@MikeScott4Ivins.com for more information about these and other Ivins issues. Also, please tell me what issues in Ivins matter to you. Visit my website at www.MikeScott4Ivins.com  for regular updates and now you can also add your comments to my articles.

Make Space Kayenta

Make SpaceLocated in beautiful Kayenta.

Spring into art making!  Spring is a beautiful season here in southern Utah.  And, a perfect time to enroll in an art class to get your creative juices flowing.  Many classes are available at MakeSpace Art School.  Let the red rock views and the blooming desert in our beautiful community inspire you.

Here is a sample of classes available in April.

Name of Class: Introduction to Oil Painting: 4-Week Session Teacher: Matt Pectol

Introduction to Oil Painting

April 4, 18, 25, and May 2

Time: 9 am – 12:00 pm
Instructor: Matt Pectol

If you are curious, but new to oil painting, this class is for you!  There is nothing like painting with oil. Guided by professional local artist and beloved teacher Matt Pectol, you will quickly learn all about the oil painting medium as you experiment with various techniques, methods, and materials. 4- week session.

Learn the Art of Wood Burning

Learn the Art of Wood Burning

April 5

Time: 3 – 5 pm
Instructor: Kaylee Fisher

Join us as we learn all about the art of pyrography – the technique of decorating wood or other materials using a heated tool.  You will receive hands-on, personalized instruction, as you are introduced to the various types of materials that can be utilized for burning.  By the end of the workshop, you will have a solid foundation in a unique art form.  Plus, you will have created your own pyrography artwork to take home. All classroom supplies will be provided.

Plein Air Watercolor

Plein Air Watercolor

April 16

Time: 10 am – 2 pm
Instructor: Deanna Millecam

Enjoy an art-filled morning with a trip to Fire Lake to take in our beautiful surroundings and paint from nature with watercolor! Deena will demonstrate techniques and approaches to help you improve your painting and composition skills. The day will consist of instructor demonstrations, plenty of painting time with individually tailored guidance, as well as a group critique at the end. Come ready to paint and relax! All ability levels are welcome.


Cultural Connections and Tribal Vibes

Cultural Connections and Tribal Vibes

April 26 & 27

Time: 10 am – 4 pm
Instructor: Linda McCowan

Join us for this unique 2-day mixed-media workshop led by Artist Linda McCowan (Linja). Prepare to learn and experiment with several cultural art techniques including Australian style dot painting, hand-built clay tokens, New Zealand Paua Shell & metal leafing embellishments.  This experience will culminate in each participant combining the skills learned to create their own unique large format piece of original art.


MakeSpace Kayenta

Special Event at MakeSpace
Come Join us for our open house
on April 5th and 6th

The Kayenta Art Village is holding “First Friday” events during the evenings of the first Fridays of the month.   Enjoy a stroll around the art galleries and other businesses.  In addition, MakeSpace Art School will be open to the public on April 5th during this event and during the chalk art festival on Saturday.  Here are the details:

April 5th – 5:30 pm -7 pm and April 6th from 10 am – 5 pm: Makespace Open House:  The work of Darcy Lee Saxton and Matt Pectol, two local artists and art instructors will be highlighted.  In addition, there will be volunteers available to help you learn more about our not-for-profit art school.

While there on April 5th, you can help us create and decorate the world’s largest hopscotch in preparation for the Chalk Art Festival!

(The chalk art festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 6th and 7th in Kayenta Art Village.)

Your Community. Your Classes. Your Space. 

View the full schedule online.

And, while you are there, register your email to receive monthly updates on classes.


Coyote Tales
Lisa Bickmore and Virgil Johnson

Lisa Bickmore and Virgil Johnson

Tickets are now on sale!

 Coyote Tales May 10th
at The Center for the Arts at Kayenta

Please join us for an evening of true stories told live the Coyote Tales way!

Lisa Bickmore, author, educator, and current Utah Poet Laureate and Native American activist, educator, and former Chairman of the Tribes of Utah and The Confederated Tribe of the Goshute, Virgil Johnson will share their stories based on the evening’s theme GIFT. They will be joined by other experienced and amateur storytellers but there’s room on the stage for you too!

DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL? Prepare a 5-minute story about giving or receiving. About finding exactly the right thing or failing miserably. Grace in the wake of an unwanted gift or joy in receiving the thing your heart desires. Or perhaps, you’ve received a gift from the gods, like a snow day, a great aim, or your dad’s smile. It’s the thought that counts!
We want to hear YOUR story

YOUR STORY MUST BE YOUR STORY. Were you there? Are you the main character? Your involvement in the events as they unfold is essential. We are after true, first-person narrative stories.


If you were unable to attend our last show but want to hear the stories, please visit our story archives at https://coyotetalesstories.com/making-peace-audio-clips/ and let us know what you think. While there you can get tips and tricks for crafting your own great story.

PLEASE CONTACT Victoria at https://coyotetalesstories.com/

Coyote Tales events are funded by Petite Feast, Utah Humanities, Utah Division of Arts and Museums,
Kayenta Homes and Properties. We are grateful for the in-kind support of SBDance, The INN at Santa Clara & Desert Dweller Realty
All proceeds from live Coyote Tales events have benefited local non-profits or have been FREE.

Petite Feast guests
Petite Feast guests
Petite Feast guests
Petite Feast menu item
Petite Feast menu item
Petite Feast menu item
Petite Feast menu item

Petite Feast Dinner Club



The start of spring is an especially glorious time of year. Not just because it signals warmer temperatures but because it welcomes a bounty of a new season produce to our kitchens. You never need an excuse to get friends together around the dinner table but with the upturn in temperatures a celebratory gathering is definitely in order. Capture the brightness, hope and renewal of spring in this month’s dinner. Let’s embrace and joyfully celebrate it – brighter flavors, sweeter desserts, and heartier laughter are all in store for us!

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2024











 To reserve your seat at the table please click on the link below

**The exact address and driving directions will be emailed 1 week prior to the event

About Petite Feast Dinner Club: after 35 years as a restaurateur, caterer, chef and Food and Wine best new chef nominee, Victoria Topham is opening her kitchen to share her unique culinary skills and healthy cooking style with guests just like you. PF Dinner Club offers guests the opportunity to socialize with new friends around a shared table while enjoying deliciously upscale meals. Monthly dinners will feature an hors d’oeuvre hour followed by a multi course dinner where mingling with the chef in the kitchen is encouraged. ** Think – mash-up of a restaurant, dinner party and cooking class.  And, she always has a few unplanned courses and surprises for her guests!  Events are announced monthly through the website and pricing for each event varies. Victoria is happy to accommodate your special celebration requests and dietary preferences whenever possible. I hope to see you soon.

“Thanks for another fabulous evening, Victoria! We loved the menu, the poetry that detailed each course, the company, the setting, the waitstaff, everything!!! We look forward to the next dinner and will continue to spread the word about the Petite Feast Dinner Club.” – Debra and Leslie

“Well done Victoria! Thank you for the exquisite meal but more so for your enthusiasm and the wonderful friendships found around your tables.” – Layla Gaylord


Virtual Dinner Party

Temperatures are finally starting to thaw and that usually means lots of invitations for casual get-togethers and potlucks. Which also means – whether or not you like to cook – you’ll have to bring a dish to share.  You probably have a few go-to staples in your ‘covered-dish’ recipe rotation and of course you can always swing by the grocery and grab a plastic tub of hummus and a bag of baby carrots, but why not up your game and bring this easy, crowd-pleasing dip that is guaranteed to be a favorite of everyone on the guest list? This month’s VDP recipe for Preserved Lemon Hummus checks all the boxes. It’s vegan, gluten free, rich in protein and healthy fats and it can even be made a few days before the party which leaves you plenty of time to decide what to wear.

Most hummus recipes call for a base of garbanzo beans, lemon, garlic, olive oil, spices and tahini.  The proportions and preparation methods vary which results in a wide range of spreads – some are mild and creamy and others, thicker with a more assertive and spicy garlic flavor. This recipe is the best of both worlds. It’s ultra-creamy and mild, but it’s crowned with a bold topping of pan-fried garbanzos and a bright tomato/cucumber salad. It’s an impressive dish that’s perfect for a spring party. Take inspiration from my recipe or personalize your hummus by topping it with whatever flavors appeal to you.  Be sure to serve plenty of fresh pita or veggies on the side to scoop up all that creamy flavorful deliciousness.

Chardonnay was the first thing that came to Tim and Judy’s mind to serve alongside this dish. But Tim felt other fuller- bodied whites could work well too, such as a Marsanne/Roussanne blend, and some Viogniers or Chenin Blancs. Both he and Judy felt that a white wine was a must for this recipe. But if you prefer your beverages to be alcohol free, a refreshing lemon lavender iced tea would go well.  To make it, combine ½ C water with 3T granulated sugar and bring to a simmer over medium high heat.  Remove from heat and add a large handful of culinary lavender. Allow to steep for 30 minutes before straining through a mesh strainer. Brew 3C of your favorite black tea. Cool to room temperature.  Add lavender simple syrup to taste and squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Pour over ice and top with a splash of sparkling water. Serves 2.

If you have not joined the Virtual Dinner Party but would like to dine with us, please prepare this recipe – or any other – and share it with your family, friends and neighbors. It is our group’s firm belief that by preparing something good to eat and sharing it with those we love, we are participating in one of life’s greatest joys. The connection, community and good will that come from it fill us with joy, hope and gratitude.   I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Thanks for coming to the party. Cook On!  – Victoria


2 cans of garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained
½ t baking soda
6 T tahini (can found in most grocery stores-sometimes near the peanut butter)
¼ C high quality olive oil
1 preserved lemon, roughly chopped, seeds removed (available at Harmon’s or TRY MY RECIPE @ https://petitefeastutah.com/blog/2014/10/30/preserved-lemons/)
½ lemon, juiced
3 cloves garlic
2 t ground cumin
2 t smoked paprika
½ C cold water
Salt if needed

Place garbanzo beans and baking soda in a pot and cover with 2” of water and bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, drain and rinse well. Combine beans and preserved lemon in the work bowl of a food processor or blender and pulse until well combined. Add tahini, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, spices and water. Blend until mixture is smooth and very creamy. You may need to add additional water to achieve the consistency you like. Set aside while you prepare toppings.

1 can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained and patted dry
2 T ras el hanout (available at Harmons or you can substitute equal parts cumin, cinnamon, cayenne, ginger)
1 pinch salt
3 T olive oil
1 t dried oregano
Preheat oven to 350.
Combine garbanzo beans, ras el hanout, salt, oregano and olive oil in a bowl. Toss well to combine and distribute flavors throughout. Place seasoned beans on a rimmed baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Roast in oven for 20 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Be sure to shake pan midway through to ensure even cooking. While beans roast, prepare tomato salad.

1 basket cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and cut into ¼” chunks
¼ C parsley, minced
2 T olive oil
½ lemon, juiced
Salt and pepper

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, toss well and season with salt and pepper.
To serve: spread the hummus in a large serving bowl. Spoon the ras el hanout chickpeas over the hummus along with the accumulated oil in the bottom of the sheet pan. Top with tomato cucumber salad. Drizzle with additional olive oil if desired and serve with fresh pita or vegetables to dip. Leftovers keep well, refrigerated for up to a week.

Serves a crowd as part of a potluck spread

Xetava Gardens Cafe


Xetava Cafe and Tapas+Bar is locally owned, and unlike anywhere you’ve ever been. Designed to be a respite from the bustle of modern life, the building is nestled under the giant red cliffs of Ivins, surrounded by the Kayenta Art Village and Center for the Arts. Allow yourself to be mesmerized by the views while you choose between our new Tapas+Bar area or the original Cafe.

Hours of Operation


CAFE 11-5 • TAPAS+BAR 4-8



CAFE 11-8 • TAPAS+BAR 4-9


CAFE 9-8 (brunch ‘til Noon) • TAPAS+BAR 4-9


CAFE 9-8 (brunch ‘til Noon) • TAPAS+BAR 4-8

Health, Fitness & Wellness

Kayenta’s locally run gyms, fitness classes, spas,  group workouts, wellness activities, and mindful experiences.

““Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try.”

Gail Devers

Elevate Fitness

Elevate studio

Current Class Offerings 

ElevateFit / ElevateFITFusion
9:30 am, Mon, Wed, Fri

Elevate Yoga
9:30 am Thur, 10 am Sat

Elevate Studio • 435-632-1381

 Class size is limited and subject to change.
Pre-registration is required. Contact John before attending your first class.
Be happy. Be healthy. Have a blast!

Kayenta Home Yoga

Winter’s cooler weather is an invitation to slow down and reconnect with the structure of scheduled classes.

We will pick up where we left off:  Noticing the breath, paying attention to the body, and focusing the mind.

Class Schedule
9:30 – 10:45 Tuesday: Vigorous Vinyasa
9:30 – 10:45 Wednesday: Relaxing Yin/Stretch
9:30 – 10:45 Thursday: Vigorous Vinyasa

Please contact me for more information.
Pre-registration is required.

Karen Kushner (E-RYT 500)

Find Your Joy Yoga

Find your Joy Yoga

Find Your Joy Yoga

Tuesdays at 9:30 am
At John Yohmans’s Elevate Fitness Studio in Kayenta!

Classes are $15 • Punch cards are available for $75 (5 classes)
No sign-up is required!

Sacred Healing Classes are offered one Saturday morning/month.
2 Hour Classes include:
Sacred Tea Ceremony
Meditation • Yoga

Email me for a list of upcoming classes and dates.

Call/text: 435-862-7743

Sacred Space Spa

Sacred Space Spa

Body, Skin, and Energy Work

Ask about our add-ons to enhance your treatment! 

Please call or text to schedule or with any questions! Please remember that I am usually booked at least 2 weeks out.

Namaste, Aly Hansen

Aly is now a certified Insominia Coach.

For a full list of Spa Treatments visit:

Tel: 435-862-7743

Javier’s Massage

Javier Massage

Javier Guzman LMT/LMMT

Massage is medicine for the body and mind

Hi, I’m Javier Guzman a licensed massage therapist who resides in the beautiful community of Kayenta. My handcrafted massages are designed for you whether you want relaxation, deep therapeutic, stress reducing, pain relieving, or just to improve overall health & well-being. Don’t delay your journey to a healthier you!

“I think he is a neighborhood treasure. He has a very nice casita where he works. I love his massage and he is a really nice, thoughtful, considerate, good guy.” ~ Christy Lueders

Call or text for an appointment:

Javier Guzman

Kayenta Pickleball Group (KPG)

Does Pickleball Pique Your Interest?

If you have an interest in joining or have played very little to even not at all and would like to try it prior to paying dues, contact Denton Zubke by email at dbzubke@gmail.com or by phone or text at 701-570-4043. It’s a great way to meet other Kayenta residents and enjoy some fun and get some great exercise.

We’re planning on more organized events such as clinics, beginner classes, and round robins in 2023.  Join us in learning to play.  It’s fun the first day, infectious, and great for fitness.  Please email Denton Zubke or Erin at the Kayenta office for more information.

Desert Rose Labyrinth

Desert Rose Labyrinth

The labyrinth is sacred ground, a place of rest and renewal.

The Desert Rose Labyrinth & Sculpture Garden is a community resource with the intention that all who walk the labyrinth will be blessed with peace, comfort, and open hearts. The Labyrinth is maintained and funded by Kayenta volunteers. Please be respectful and leave only footprints. For more information or to make group reservations, please contact:

Cheryl Collins

Beth Hopwood

Desert Rose Labyrinth
792 Kayenta Pkwy, Ivins UT

Trips and Trails

Kayenta Exploration Group

Monday, April 22, 2024

We will be going to the Ghost Town of Silver Reef, north of St. George. Half-Day Trip. Bring a lunch. 2 miles of dirt road.  Meet at the Kayenta Design Center at 10 am Monday, April 22, 2024.  

For details contact Charles Dillier at 435-656-1956

Community Advocates

Are you a Kayenta resident? Do you have a cause or passion that you are personally involved with in the St. George area?
If so, let your neighbors know right here.

Desert Preservation InitiativeDPI – Desert Preservation Initiative
Advocate: Chuck Warren 

Tackling the toughest first

While the work of removing Tamarisk in Kayenta is laborious—time-consuming and physically demanding—that just makes success all the sweeter. Thus, Desert Preservation Initiative members and volunteers celebrate the completion of Phase I of the Wisteria Project, identified as an area of key concern in battling the destructive effects of the invasive Tamarisk tree.
The Wisteria Way wash, south of the Labyrinth, is a very large old infestation “considerably closer than most tamarisk patches in the community,” says volunteer Aaron Martin. “I’d hate to imagine the end result if a wildfire had taken root in that mass of tamarisk given its density, fuel abundance, and close proximity to homes.” Martin, who expects construction on his Kayenta home to be finished shortly, got involved after reading about the fire danger posed by Tamarisk.

Between November and February, some 18 volunteers invested 329 hours in the project. The result in the Wisteria Way area was simply “transformative, amazing, incredible,” says DPI President Chuck Warren, searching for the best words to describe removing some of the largest diameter trees DPI has encountered–up to 2 feet in diameter–and as close as 35 feet to the some of the homes there.

Cutting the thick growth, chipping the smaller debris, and hauling the larger debris off-site created a whole new vista for homeowners in the area, opening up views of the wash and of Red Mountain. The area “has park like potential,” says DPI board member Carole Richard. “We also discovered years old human recreational activity.
Because the Tamarisk was so dense, removing it left two large barren areas where replanting will most likely be necessary to supplement any natural emergence of native plants in soil which certainly has increased saline levels. However, native plants and trees on the edges have been saved, including numerous mesquite trees, and now they will survive for the long term.
While there is much work yet to be done, the removal of the Tamarisk in this particular location opens up exciting possibilities for the future. “Those who have viewed the space, including me, see the appeal of an open space, trails, etc.” says Warren. “The photos only hint at the revealed beauty and potential of the area. When I mentioned this observation to Terry Marten he responded in a positive fashion, suggesting that he has had that idea

DPI Tamarisk before removal
DPI Tamarisk after removal

“Before removal, the thick Tamarisk bushes were literally impenetrable without first hacking your way through with a machete or chainsaw,” says Aaron Martin. “The after picture I envision is really a year or two from now as Mother Nature will certainly step in to fill the blank canvas the volunteers have created.  As I walked the site recently, quail scurried about while frogs have moved into a small pond that revealed itself absent the tamarisk. I’m confident small greenery will soon sprout to begin the re-vegetation process.

Won’t you join us? If you are interested in learning more, volunteering, or having a review of invasive plants on your property, please contact Chuck Warren, president, (chuckwarren222@ gmail.com) or Dan Beck, volunteer coordinator (danbeck2@me.com).

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Humanity
Advocate: Patrick Barickman

To learn more about our projects and mission please visit our website.

835 South Bluff Street, St. George, UT. 84770

Inkas no kill Animal Supporters

INKAS – Ivins No Kill Animal Supporters
Advocate: Lois Hewitt 

Ivins No-Kill Animal Supporters (INKAS) is a 501(c)3 organization and a Registered Utah Charity. It was founded in 2010 with the mission of providing support to Ivins Animal Shelter and Adoption Center, now the Santa Clara-Ivins Animal Shelter. In 2006 our shelter became the first no-kill municipal shelter in the state of Utah. Maintaining a no-kill shelter, as opposed to one that euthanizes animals after a set period of time, is more costly because the animal’s needs must be met at the shelter until they are reclaimed by their owners, adopted, or transferred to an animal rescue organization. Through a memorandum of understanding with Ivins City, INKAS provides support through veterinary care, specialty foods, and other needed supplies. Funds are raised through the sale of merchandise at various local events and through the donations of many generous animal lovers. You can help by designating INKAS as your charity on Amazon Smile or by donating on our website.

Santa Clara-Ivins Animal Shelter

Bailee Mabe, Shelter Manager

474 North 200 West, Ivins


Hours by appointment:
Monday – Saturday, 8am – 3 pm

Dogs and Cats

Ivins Night Sky Initiative
Advocate: Kai Reed

Ivins Night Sky launched on January 8th, 2019. We are a 100% volunteer, not-for-profit, citizen organization. We registered as a Utah nonprofit corporation in February 2019 and received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS in March.

Our mission is to improve, preserve, and protect the night sky over Ivins and our heritage of dark skies through environmentally responsible outdoor lighting, and to serve as a resource for City officials, residents, and businesses.

Let us know if this Initiative is important to you, if you are willing to get involved, and what else you think we should be doing to improve, preserve, and protect the night skies in Ivins.

Friends of Snow Canyon

Friends of Snow Canyon State Park
Advocates: Lori Capshaw


We’d like to invite all Kayenta residents to join us in supporting Snow Canyon State Park. Our mission is to provide support to Snow Canyon State Park through various means. For more information and to join Friends please visit our website.

Nextdoor Kayenta

Nextdoor Kayenta
Advocate: Ray Borg

Nextdoor is a completely private online website environment for all of the Kayenta Nextdoor neighborhoods. Special thanks to Ray Borg for being our fearless leader.

Community and City Resources

Resident support services, businesses, and education and enrichment programs

Located in the desert community of Kayenta Utah, the Crescent Moon Inn is the perfect place to get away from it all.  The Inn is just a short walk or bike ride from the Kayenta Art Village, where locally-owned art galleries, the Sacred Space Day Spa and the Xetava Garden Cafe add to your unique experience.

For Reservations or Pricing call:

Looking for a Hair Artist right here in Kayenta?….JENN Hair Artist embodies the artistic creativity and passion of the beauty industry. She thrives in creating natural, sexy cuts and color styles for men and women. She looks forward to pampering you.

924A Art Village Way, Ivins, UT 83455
801 637-0884 (call or text)

Happy2Help is an in-home personal concierge service.

Services Include:

• Personal Shopping
• Health Recovery Assistance
• Meal Prep
• Snowbird Service
• Home Organization
• Event Assistance

Call or email Andrea, your trustworthy neighbor at

Good Medicine beauty lab

Good Medicine Intuitive Skin Care

Good Medicine Beauty Lab is a small women-owned company, that creates high-quality face and skincare products. The products are all hand-crafted in our Kayenta lab, from ethically sourced ingredients and wild desert botanicals.

• Unique face and body care products.

• Safe, natural, and locally sourced wild botanical ingredients

Stop by and test all our products, we will be open every day from 9-5!

Kayenta Art Village: 873 Coyote Gulch Ct. Suite C, walk towards the Center for the Arts & look for the bright purple door.

Happy up your home

Is your Home dated, and in desperate need of a complete makeover? I can completely update the look and feel of your home without costly remodeling. I can help with affordable solutions that will transform your space. You will have a home that is organized, more current, and looks beautiful.

Are you building a New Home and need the finishing Touches? I can help with all the decorative touches, from home furnishings to tile, paint & more!

Happy Up Your Home with Home Stylist Nancy Weezy Forman, Kayenta Resident


Kayenta Committees

Board opportunities, landscaping, and ACC & HOA contact information.

Kayenta Deseret ArboretumKayenta Desert Arboretum

Those April days of sunshine and warm breezes are a reminder that the desert will soon be in full bloom.  Kayenta’s desert arboretum will soon be ablaze with all of the rich color the desert can produce.  April is also the time to begin filling in your landscaping with new plant varieties.

Kayenta Desert Arboretum Foundation will be offering its annual plant sale beginning at 1:00 PM on April 18 and continuing throughout the weekend. This year the Foundation is focusing on providing perennial desert cactus and yucca that will accent your landscape for many years as well as demonstrating water-wise solutions.  The plant sale is the Foundation’s primary fundraising activity so drop by, say hello, and make a purchase that will support Kayenta’s Arboretum.

As always, we thank the many volunteers who donate their time maintaining and improving the arboretum each year.  If you would like to join us and become part of the team, please contact Roger Head, (435) 632-1814 or rbhkayenta@gmail.com.

kayenta landscape committeeKayenta Landscaping Committee

Please visit the Kayenta HOA website ACC tab for Landscaping documentation. Select Landscaping Regulations Rev 2017 and Landscaping Review Steps 2017.

Kayenta HOAACC & HOA Information

The Kayenta ACC meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month, 2:00 pm in the Kayenta Community Room. A hard copy of the agenda is posted in the Kayenta Homes & Properties office the Thursday before the meeting.

Questions? Ellen Nathan

Phone: 435-652-8333

Shonto Point HOA Meetings
The Shonto HOA Board meets regularly during the year avoiding some summer months. All meetings are from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month in the Theatre for the Arts, located in the Kayenta Art Village.

Taviawk 2023 HOA Board  Meetings
The Board plans to meet on the Thursday after the ACC meeting (which is the 3rd Tuesday of each month) bi-monthly at 9:30 am at F1 Property Management.

The Kayenta Concept

The Kayenta Concept is a philosophy that has steered the development of our exceptional community since its inception. The standards that underlie that concept are enforced by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), which serves both the Shonto Point and Taviawk HOAs. The pre-amble to the 2021 ACC Handbook lays out the basics of the architectural rules that have been followed to create the homes and land-scape we live in.

When your home was designed the Kayenta Concept was front and center. The ACC reviewed your design to evaluate whether it followed the rules, and the ACC monitored construction of your home through landscaping and occupation, again, reviewing adherence to design and construction standards. When you received your occupancy permit and construction deposit refund from the ACC, on-going compliance with the Kayenta Con-cept became the responsibility of your HOA Board of Directors. Your Board has the authority to perpetuate the Kayenta Concept into the future and gladly accepts that role.

The Kayenta Concept is worth reviewing to remind us that what we have here has only happened because of the rules Kayenta developer Terry Marten set up to own, build and live in Kayenta. His vision and the governing documents he developed to achieve and maintain that vision established the Kayenta HOAs and gave them the responsibility and authority to enforce the CC&Rs that underlie the beauty and value we all enjoy


Ivins City Dumpster Dates and Blucan Recycling Calendars

Ivins City

Ivins City Offices are open.

For Appointments with a specific department call:
Administration: 435-628-0606   
: 435-634-9753
Parks or Cemetery: 435-634-7719
Public Works: 435-634-0689
Dispatch: 435-634-5730 or Animal Control: 435-628-1049

Ongoing Events and Activities

Weekly and monthly gatherings

Kayenta Book Lovers

Meetings the 2nd Monday of every month. For more details contact our bookclub

Kayenta Weavers

The Kayenta Weavers group meets weekly to enjoy the limitless creativity of off-loom weaving.

For information contact Katie


Email submissions / changes to kayentaconnection@rdicreative.com with “Kayenta Connection (month)” in the subject line. Our Kayenta Connection Newsletter updates the 1st of the Month. Please submit 6 days prior to the end of the month to be included.

The Kayenta Connection is a publication that is focused on the Kayenta Community (residents, visitors and other interested folks). Information and articles should appeal to our Kayenta readers and reflect the spirit of our community. The KC cannot be responsible for mistakes submitted by the contributor.

The information submitted does not imply sponsorship or reflect the views and opinion of Kayenta Homes & Properties or Kayenta Development. Content not deemed appropriate for our readers will not be published. All information published in the KC is subject to editing.

Not on our mailing list?

Sign up for the Kayenta Connection. We will send you monthly reminders when our next issue of the Kayenta Connection is ready to view online. Sign up to stay connected.

Kayenta Connection is underwritten by Kayenta Homes & Properties for the benefit of the Kayenta Community.